The products of the company Dr. Vet Group are the result of many years of professional and experimental work as well as breeding and exhibition work, which is the basis for some characteristic specifics.
We supported this ambitious team – due to its knowledge and observations throughout many years of practice, the team could produce excellent products. A significant part of the product development took place in cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade, the Department of Nutrition and Botany and our fellow professors. Experts supported the team with their advice and the necessary laboratory analyses for some products were conducted at the Scientific Veterinary Institute “Novi Sad” in Belgrade, Serbia. In addition to that, they keep contact to and cooperate with fellow veterinarians from clinical practice, they get feedback from veterinary clinics, which is a highly important element of the further development of new products.
The selection of the products´ ingredients is supposed to support a large number of metabolic processes in the body. The ingredients included in the products are based on the latest research and on the recommendations of leading research centers, which is the precondition for the desired quick results.
The development took place in regular steps: composition analysis and standardization of ingredient values, experimental production, control and analysis of kennels of products, application of products on dogs and cats in their own breeding, as well as in owners of selected breeds of dogs and cats. The samples were monitored on a large number of dogs and cats of different breeds, genders and age categories, hair length and quality, in dogs and cats with pathological changes on the skin, hair, as well as with bone deformities. Depending on the health status of the animals, the owners came up with their observations and positive comments.
Stressful situations, changes in the environment and hard work are just some of the external factors indicating that the use of such products is necessary.
Postoperative traumas as well as the recovery period are situations in which such products can accelerate and improve recovery.
High expertise as well as responsibility towards dogs and cats have led to such products now being available in shops. From a professional`s point of view a very important topic was covered in a highly professional way. We will certainly work on the development of new products in the future and the enthusiasm and motivation of this team should absolutely be supported.